Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Plexus-Sixth Day Results

On my sixth and final day of using the second trial pack given to me, I had the same results as the previous days!! I was consistently less hungry and honestly it was an awesome feeling. As I reflect on what I was taking in and how much, I was eating less and starting to eat better. Through Plexus, not that I didn’t think about what I was eating because I promise you... I did, but not to the extent of being on Plexus!

I actually stopped and really thought about what I was putting in my body. For example, if I was actually a little hungry in between meals, I paused and thought about which snack to choose and what was a healthier option. Not just what sounded better or listening to my body wanting sugar. I have been choosing the Nature Valley granola bars in my works snack area instead of a cinnamon roll or powdered doughnuts.

Plexus to me is definitely a life-saver for my health!! And I admit..... I was a little skeptical about this company and whether the products, like “the pink drink” as they call it, actually work. I know, I know... every other person whether they are ambassador or just a customer says that. But it’s true, true that it works for me, and also my friends and sisters in Christ. I’m definitely planning on signing up soon as an ambassador for two primary reasons. The first is because the products I used really did work, and two...that ambassadors pricing versus retail or preferred is cheaper!

Thank you for stopping by and joining in on my journey through trying Plexus to see if it works! Once I join, I will let you know because I would love to have you join in with me on my journey as an ambassador yourself or as a preferred customer!

Thank you!

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